Helal Mohammed Nuri
Chief Executive Officer
Mr. Helal joined Silver Line Group as CEO in later part of 2015. Mr. Helal has vast experience of working in big companies like Youngone, Alliance Group and Beximco Textile Division for more than 20 Years (1994-2014) as the Head of Marketing and Merchandising and worked with world famous retailers to their complete satisfaction before he joined Silver Line Group.
Mr. Helal’s record of academic achievements from home and abroad and professional career history are outstanding and his new strategies, leadership quality and many contributions to the company have made him a valuable person in whole Silver Line Family.
Umrao Sher Singh Uppal
Chief Operating Officer
A conscientious and self-motivated individual with great enthusiasm and determination with the extra-ordinary marketing skills have made Mr. Uppal different from others. Mr. Uppal is a highly experienced and proven expert in sales & marketing as well as sourcing. He is heading the team of professionals for sales & marketing as well as material sourcing for the Textile Unit.
Mr. Uppal is a very friendly and good humouredly person whatever the circumstances are. He is good team player, hardworking, reliable and resourceful person with excellent organizational and leadership skills, combined with the ability to priorities a substantial workload.
Sharif Mohammad Baree
Chief Marketing Officer